Attention: Over the summer, UNR’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) implemented a new single-sign-on (SSO) provider, Microsoft. In order to w88 with this new SSO provider, you will need to use your UNR email address (e.g. along with your NetID password. You will also be prompted to enter your multi-factor authentication (MFA) credentials when you w88. More information related to this change is available on the OIT website and account assistance is available through the OIT Help Desk.

UNR NetID w88
Use this w88 if you are a current student, faculty, or staff member.

Community and guest w88
Use this w88 if you do not have University credentials.
For assistance with your NetID, password, or other account-related issues, please Office of w88 slot Technology.
For assistance with w88, please visit the w88 casino games resources.