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Community organizations possess invaluable expertise and experience in demonstrating the ideals of civic engagement. The Center for Student Engagement seeks non-profit and government organizations w88 casino gameswho wish to join as co-educators by providing valuable opportunities for student involvement. In offering these volunteer co-curricular (not-for-credit) experiences, you are helping to teach students the importance of being informed and responsible citizens.

A major focal point of our partnerships with community organizations is to provide entry-level civic pathways. This means offering opportunities with minimal barriers to participation such as advanced or technical skills, long-term commitments, or significant amounts of training. These types of opportunities allow students to explore community needs and their own values in order to find a cause or organization they wish to pursue farther.

If you have opportunities for students to participate in the work of your organization and you wish to contribute to their educational experience, w88 casino gamesplease consider partnering with the Center for Student Engagement.

Community Partners Opportunities

Community partners have a variety of opportunities to work with the Center for Student Engagement. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Host student volunteers to help with an event or project
  • Participate in campus events, such as information fairs and community service days
  • Participate in Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Advisory Board
  • Participate in selection committees for student civic engagement recognition programs
  • Participate in planning committees for student/community events
  • Attend the Center for Student Engagement's annual Civic Engagement Recognition Breakfast

Community Partnership Process and Requirements

The Center for Student Engagement (CSE) serves to create, maintain, and sustain partnerships with our local community. We look forward to partnering with you to enhance the learning experience of Nevada students.

How to become a community partner

Step 1. Initiate partnership 

Please contact studentengagement@unr.edu to connect with the community outreach coordinator and ensure that your agency has not gone through the process yet.

Step 2: Required documents for organizations.

Complete the following two forms:

Step 3: Completed documents:

Once all documents have been accepted and signed by all parties, organizations will be notified that they are now ready to accept students. After this your organization will be added to unr.GivePulse.com to post your upcoming volunteer opportunities.