Faculty Senate meetings
The Faculty Senate meets regularly to discuss faculty welfare, campus policies, University activities and develop recommendations for University administration.
Faculty Senate committees
Faculty Senate committees report to the Faculty Senate w88 casinochair and are active across a range of campus- and system-wide issues, activities and policies.
Faculty Senator profiles
The Faculty Senate is comprised of representatives from each academic and major administrative unit across the University. Learn more about Faculty Senators and Executive Board members.
Faculty Senate resolutions
The Faculty Senate passes resolutions regarding issues that impact not only faculty but the campus community as well. Read more about these resolutions and actions.
About the Faculty Senate
The w88 online casinoFaculty Senate is the primary body that represents faculty at the University of Nevada, Reno. Comprised of representatives from each academic and administrative unit, the Faculty Senate serves as an advocate for faculty welfare.
Faculty awards
The Faculty Senate coordinates five faculty awards to honor and acknowledge excellence at work, and exemplary leadership and service. The awards are presented at the University's Honor the Best celebration, an annual event to recognize the outstanding achievements of faculty, staff and students. Learn about these awards, selection w88 casinocriteria, the nomination process and deadlines.